Publications and Presentations

Hess, L. (2024). Formal Reading Assessment. Presentation to Columbia University Disability Services. New York, NY.

Hess, L. (2019). An Ethical Path to Success: Navigating Selective College Admissions in a Post-Scandal World. Panel member. Yale Club, New York, NY.

Hess, L. (2019). Formal Reading Assessment: Key Measures and Tracking Progress. Presentation at the Everyone Reading Conference. New York, NY.

Hess, L. and Marzola, E. (2018). Assessment of reading skills: A review of select key ideas and best practices. Chapter in Multisensory teaching of basic language skills, fourth edition. Edited by Judith Birsh and Suzanne Carreker. New York: Brookes Publishing. 

Hess, L. (2017). Academic Motivation: Factors and Interventions. Presentation to the public and a panel member. New York, NY. 

Hess, L. (2017). Counseling out with compassion. Presentation to public and panel member. New York, NY.  

Hess, L., Flamenbaum, E., Lovett, B., and Brinckerhoff, L. (2016). Test Accommodations for Hidden Disabilities. Conference organizer. New York, NY.

Hess, L. (2015).  The Neuropsychology of Depression in Adolescence.  Presentation at Fusion Academy, New York, NY.  

Hess, L. (2015).  Bridging Assessment and Intervention:  How neuropsychological evaluations can impact learning.  All-day workshop presented to the Association of Educational Therapists, Chicago, IL.  

Hess, L. (2015).  Assessment of reading.  Presentation to the staff of Columbia University Disability Services. New York, NY.

 Hess, L. (2013).  Test anxiety: Preparing students emotionally for high stakes testing.  Workshop at MAIAA Parent Resource Center.  New York, NY. 

 Hess, L. (2012).  Review of comprehensive standardized assessment:  Conceptual foundations and key issues.  Workshop at Everyone Reading.  New York, NY.  

Hess, L. (2012).  Learning disorders and anxiety.  Presentation to Everyone Reading.  New York, NY.  

Hess, L. (2012).  Learning disorders and anxiety.  Presentation to NYC Learning Specialists Group.  New York, NY.  

Hess, L. (2011).  It takes a village to address inattention.  Newsletter of the Empirically Defined Disorders of Attention Workgroup.  1, 1.  

Hess, L. (2011). ‘Working Effectively with parents’.  Conference organizer.  NYC Learning Specialists Group.  New York, NY 

Hess, L. (2010).  Neuroanatomy of reading.  Presentation to NYC Learning Specialists Group.  New York, NY.  

Hess, L. (2010).  Avoiding interpretation errors in assessment.  Presentation to NYC Learning Specialists Group.  New York, NY.  

Hess, L. (2010). Defining and Clarifying Professional Roles in Cross-Disciplinary Teams.  Symposium organizer.  NYC Learning Specialists Group.  New York, NY.

Hess, L. (2010).  Best practices for collaboration between school staff and independent practitioners.  Symposium organizer.  New York, NY.

Hess, L. (2010).  What makes a good neuropsychological evaluation, plus psychometrics review.  Presentation to Educational Therapists’ study group.  New York, NY.

Hess, L. (2010).  Assessment of reading.  Presentation to NYC Learning Specialists Group.  New York, NY.  

Hess, L. (2010).  Learning disorders in combination. Guest Lecturer, The Dwight School, New York, NY.  

Hess, L. (2009).  Dyscalculia:  Difficulties with math.  Guest Lecturer, New York Branch of the International Dyslexia Association.  New York, NY.  

Hess, L.  (2009).  Nonverbal LD and Teaching.  Guest Lecturer, Hunter College School of Education.  New York, NY. 

Hess, L. and Micari, S. (2009). Boosting reading comprehension in students with nonverbal learning disorders.  Dyslexia Discourse.  

Hess, L. (2009, April).  Executive functions and learning.  Guest Lecturer, St. Bernard’s School.  New York, NY.  

Hess, L. (2008, March). Nonverbal learning disabilities and executive functions.  Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the New York Branch of the International Dyslexia Association, New York, NY.   

Hess, L. (2007, December).  Nonverbal learning disorders and executive functions.  Guest Lecturer, Hunter College.  New York, NY.  

Hess, L. (2007, December).  Reading neuropsychological reports.  Guest Lecturer, Micari Educational Therapy Group.  New York, NY.  

Hess, L. (2007, March).  Psychotherapy and neuropsychological assessment: Hidden traits and available interventions.  In Clare Cosentino, Ph.D. (Chair) The Relevance of Neuropsychological Assessment Information in Therapeutic Intervention with Children, Adolescents, and Adults.  Symposium conducted at the Annual Conference of the New York Branch of the International Dyslexia Association, New York, NY.  

Hess, L. (2006, December).  Nonverbal learning disorders in the classroom.  Guest Lecturer, Hunter College.  New York, NY.  

Hess, L. (2006, November).  Nonverbal learning disorders.  Guest lecturer, NYC Tutors Group.  New York, NY.  

Hess, L. (2006, March).  Nonverbal learning disorders and accommodations.  In Theresa Peduto (Chair) Accommodations at Independent Schools for Students with Learning Disabilities.  Symposium conducted at the Annual Conference of the New York Branch of the International Dyslexia Association, New York, NY.  

Hess, L. (2006, March). Assessment and intervention with nonverbal learning disorders. Presentation for interns and externs at Mount Sinai Hospital’s Neuropsychology Service, New York, NY.    

 Hess, L. (2006, February).  Neuropsychological assessment.  In Patti Carrin (Chair) Neuropsychology and nonverbal learning disorders.Symposium conducted at NLD-NY Connects, New York, NY.  

Hess, L. (2006).  Nonverbal learning disorders and neuropsychological assessment.  Students and Parents Information Network Support (SPINS) Newsletter2, 8-9.  

Hess, L. (2006). Understanding and helping reluctant writers.  Dyslexia Discourse60, 23-26.  

Hess, L. (2005, March). Reluctant writers and neuropsychological issues.  Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the New York Branch of the International Dyslexia Association, New York, NY.  

Hess, L. (2005, February). Learning disorders and anxiety.  Grand Rounds presentation at Interfaith Hospital, Brooklyn, NY.  

Hess, L. (2004, Winter).  Learning disorders and anxiety.  Newsletter of Robert Louis Stevenson School.  

Hess, L. (2004, October).  How to interpret and utilize a psychoeducational evaluation.  Presentation at the New York Branch of the International Dyslexia Association, New York, NY.    

Hess, L. (2004, September/October).  Learning disorders and anxiety.  NYSPA Notebook, 16, 14 to 15. 

Hess, L., Robbins, H. (Panel members). (2004). Treating Learning Disorders.  [Television series episode].  In H. Robbins (Producer), The mind’s eye.  New York: Channel 34.  

Hess, L. (2003, December). Learning disorders and anxiety.  In Children and Anxiety.  Symposium conducted by Parents in Action and NYU Child Study Center at 92nd Street Y, New York, NY.   

Hess, L. (1999, April).  Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Presentation at the Brooklyn Health Council Fourth Annual Convention, Brooklyn, NY. 

Hess, L. (1999, January).  Clinical introduction to learning disorders.  Presentation to the Woodhull Child Psychiatry Department. Brooklyn, NY.

 Corrigan, P., Hess, L. & Garman, A.N. (1998).  Results of a job analysis of psychologists working in state hospitals.  Journal of Clinical Psychology, 54, 11-18.

Hess, L. (1998, May).  ADHD workshop.  Presentation to the staff of the Harvey Milk High School, Hetrick Martin Institute.  

Hess, L. (1997, October).  Clinical implications of learning disorders in children and adults.  Presentation to Woodhull Psychology Department. Brooklyn, NY.

 Hess, L. (1997).  Practical token economies.  Presentation to Woodhull Psychiatry Department.  March, 1997. Brooklyn, NY.

Zolot, D. and Hess, L. (1996, August).  Assessment of Asperger syndrome:  Cognitive and educational issues.  Presentation at the American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.    

Morrisse, D., Batra, L., Hess, L., Silverman, R. & Corrigan, P. W. (1996).  A demonstration of a token economy for the real world.  Applied and Preventive Psychology54, 41-46.

Hess, L., Corrigan, P. & Buican, B. (1994, August).  What psychologists working at state hospitals do.  Poster session presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, Los Angeles, CA.

Hess, L. (1993).  Phase of focusing and patient and therapist experiencing.  Unpublished clinical research project, Illinois School of Professional Psychology.    

Hess, L. (1988).  On three philosophical definitions of physical and mental illness.  Unpublished bachelor's thesis, University of Chicago.